Please join us for this free telecon!

Museum Alliance Professional Development Conversation

Date: Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Time: 12 noon Pacific (3:00 pm Eastern)
Leader: Jeff Nee

Subject:  Planetary Geology: How Old is That?     

This presentation is an exploration of how radioisotopes are used to establish the ages of geologic materials from Earth and elsewhere in the solar system. Content includes: 1) basic concepts of radioactive decay are presented; 2) specific applications to the dating of samples from Earth, the Moon, and meteorites; and 3) how the resulting data help constrain the tempo of solar system evolutionary processes.

Training Materials:
Presentation materials will be posted on the NASA Nationwide website under “Current Telecon” at:


This professional development telecon is intended to prepare you for your upcoming presentations and events.  It is NOT to be shared LIVE in classrooms, museums or other venues.   Do NOT share the telecon call-in information (phone number, passcode, etc) with others, and do NOT TWEET OR BLOG what’s being discussed in real time.  Telecons are a time for YOU to become familiar with mission information BEFORE conducting your events.

1.      When the telecon begins, please mute your phone while the speaker is talking.
2.      If your phone doesn’t have a “mute” button, your phone may be muted by pressing “*6” (star six).
3.      The “*6” feature is a toggle; your phone may be unmuted for questions by pressing “*6” again.
4.      For technical problems encountered during the training, pressing “*0” (star zero) will signal the operator who can temporarily remove you from the telecon “room” to resolve the issue.
5.      If entering the telecon after the recording has begun, please enter SILENTLY and do not announce your name as the recording will have already begun.
6.      DO NOT place your phone on “hold” if music is played while the hold button is engaged, as the music will be heard by telecon listeners and will be disruptive to the speaker.