Monthly Archives: November 2016

Family Escape Room Challenge


A family working on Gravity Maze challenge cards. Have you noticed the escape room trend popping up in library programming? We decided to jump on that bandwagon and framed our latest STEAM family challenge program around the escape room trend, incorporating logic and teamwork around a series of puzzles. I’ve mentioned Mission: BOOMbox in a previous post about architecture themed programming; the program lasts one hour and is intended for youth in kindergarten through 5th grade with their adult caregiver. This iteration of the program was themed around what makes us human, a general theme aligned with two spaces [...]

Family Escape Room Challenge2016-11-08T12:25:50-07:00

Origami Club for Kids! What a Hit!


                           My first attempt at a long running kids' club was met with incredible enthusiasm, by kids and parents alike.  After years of watching kids come into the library asking for origami books, and walking out empty-handed, unable to find exactly what they wanted, or unable to decipher the instructions in the books, I decided to try having an origami club. I put a sign on the reference desk, and started taking registrations.  I'm limiting the ages to the 8-12 year old crowd for the time being.  I knew that there [...]

Origami Club for Kids! What a Hit!2016-11-04T15:55:25-06:00
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