Develop Your Collaboration Strategy
Learn about approaches for initiating, managing, and sustaining collaborations through the resources below.
- Virtual Programs Featuring Scientists: A Programming Guide
Anna Johnson, et al. (2019)
- Community STEM Collaborations that Support Children and Families
Dan Gilbert, Leah Silverberg, Keliann LaConte, Anne Holland, Margaret Caspe & Rachel Hanebutt (2019) - Library and Afterschool Partnerships
Afterschool Alliance (2017) - How Afterschool-library Partnerships are Engaging Kids in STEM
Afterschool Alliance (2016) - Making as a Strategy for Afterschool STEM Learning
Bronwyn Bevan, University of Washington) & Jean J. Ryoo, Exploratorium (2016)
- Collaboration Guide: For museums working with community youth-serving organizations
NISE Net: Catherine McCarthy and Brad Herring (2015)
- A Community Dialogue Guide for Public Libraries
Anne Holland and Paul Dusenbery (2018) - Rising to the Challenge: Re-envisioning Public Libraries
Amy K. Garmer (2014) - Libraries Transforming Communities: A step-by-step guide to “turning outward” to your community
The Harwood Institute for Public Innovation (2015)