
What is the Lowest Maintenance Pet of All?


  A few weeks ago I decided to have a program where the kids could relax and let their creative juices flow, and where some of the parents/grandparents could flash back to their own childhoods and have a good laugh.  The program, I expected, would be a short one.  Then we could spend the rest of the time making thank you cards and notes for our summer reading club sponsors.  It was the week of Independence Day, after all, and it's hard to get folks to come to the library that week.  Things turned out a bit differently than I'd anticipated - in [...]

What is the Lowest Maintenance Pet of All?2016-08-03T12:06:24-06:00

Eggs and Art – The Tradition of Pysanky


Eggs and art.  Those are two words most people don't often connect, unless it's spring and one is thinking of Easter.  In the Ukraine, though, egg art is a centuries old tradition, and people design and decorate the eggs year-round, as well as collect and prize them as fine and treasured art.          The word "Pysanky" comes from the Ukrainian word that means "to write."  The term is used in relation to these beautiful eggs because they are not simply dyed in the way with which we are most familiar.  The intricate designs are drawn, or "written," on them [...]

Eggs and Art – The Tradition of Pysanky2022-01-02T13:07:17-07:00

Want to Be a Stellar Artist? Send Your Creative Arts Into Space


I received this opportunity from Andrew Shaner of The Center for Lunar Science and Exploration: (This could be a great opportunity for a arts and science program for pre-schoolers, school-aged kids, and/or families.)   February 19, 2016 RELEASE 16-019 NASA Invites Public to Send Artwork to an Asteroid NASA is calling all space enthusiasts to send their artistic endeavors on a journey aboard NASA’s Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security-Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx) spacecraft. This will be the first U.S. mission to collect a sample of an asteroid and return it to Earth for study. OSIRIS-REx is scheduled to launch in September [...]

Want to Be a Stellar Artist? Send Your Creative Arts Into Space2016-02-19T19:20:21-07:00
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