
Robotics With Cubelets


  Over the last year or so, I've done a number of programs using Cubelets.  For anyone unfamiliar with them, they are cube-shaped modules that connect to one another magnetically to create 'robots.'  Each module has a single function.  There's a power Cube, that contains the rechargeable battery, and the On/Off switch.  The rest are divided into ' Sense Cubes,' 'Think Cubes,' and 'Act Cubes.' The Sense Cubes in the kit I have access to are modules that have light sensors, and distance (proximity) sensors.  The Power Cube is also the processor for the robot.  The action cubes include cubes with [...]

Robotics With Cubelets2019-10-03T18:32:04-06:00

Celebrating 10 Years of Lunar Science, Exploration and Celestial Observation!


by Andrea Jones, NASA's Solar System Exploration Division 10 years ago, NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) and its sister mission Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) entered lunar orbit. From the interest and enthusiasm at events celebrating the occasion, International Observe the Moon Night was born. Today, International Observe the Moon Night is now a worldwide celebration of lunar science and exploration, celestial observation, and the cultural and personal connections we have to the Moon. Everyone, everywhere can participate. You can join by hosting or attending an event, or registering as a lunar observer. With the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing, an international [...]

Celebrating 10 Years of Lunar Science, Exploration and Celestial Observation!2019-09-12T09:16:38-06:00

STEAM Engines: We Dig Dirt


What do you call a chicken who crosses the road, rolls around in the dirt, then comes back?* Alas, this particular joke went over the heads of every participant in this month’s STEAM Engines at Skokie Library, but it was the perfect entry into our discussion about dirt - or more specifically soil. Same thing, right? As it it turns out, there’s a difference, and if you ask a soil scientist, it’s pretty big! It was the beginning of summer, and I was getting excited about getting my hands dirty. What better opportunity than STEAM Engines, Skokie Library’s kindergarten-2nd grade science [...]

STEAM Engines: We Dig Dirt2019-09-02T15:35:40-06:00

Public Libraries Are Ideal Venues for Teen Science Cafés


By Michelle Hall and Michael Mayhew Co-directors, Teen Science Café Network A teen science café brings high school teens together in a social setting to have a lively conversation with a scientist on some interesting and timely topic. In a teen café program, teens organize all aspects of it with the help of an adult mentor, and hands-on learning activities allow teens to interact one-on-one with the presenter and reveal more about the presenter’s work. The Teen Science Café Network (TSCN) is a community of practice that has grown at a rapid rate to 130 sites in 45 states, the District of [...]

Public Libraries Are Ideal Venues for Teen Science Cafés2019-08-28T11:12:48-06:00

Thank you, NASA


I want to begin today by apologizing for having disappeared for a while.  My disappearance wasn't by choice, but sharing my story does give me the opportunity to celebrate NASA, and everything it has accomplished over the last several decades. So, for any one who is curious, here's the story of my spring and summer... I was going about my day to day business, and enthusiastically planning my summer programs (which were going to be really great, by the way), when I woke up bright and early one day, sat up, put my feet on the floor to stand up, and [...]

Thank you, NASA2019-08-22T19:05:06-06:00

Exploring Space: Smart Spacecraft, Big Data, and Modeling Reality


By Claire Ratcliffe, Education Coordinator @ NCIL/SSI STAR Net recently launched a national traveling exhibition, Exploring Space: Smart Spacecraft, Big Data, and Modeling Reality. It will be hosted at four different libraries across the country over the course of the next year and showcases the evolving role of computing in space science and astronomy. The four host libraries include Westminster Public Library in Colorado, Brentwood Public Library in Tennessee, Algona Public Library in Iowa, and Marshall-Lyon County Library in Minnesota. Two representatives from each of the four host libraries met with the NCIL team for a workshop about the exhibit and the [...]

Exploring Space: Smart Spacecraft, Big Data, and Modeling Reality2019-08-05T09:53:14-06:00

STEAM Engines: Black Holes


One of my favorite things about kid science programming at the library is the journey of discovery. I was as excited as the next curious citizen when the photo of the black hole was released in April. I was eager to show it to my son, who is generally fascinated by all things space, and I was not disappointed. “But mom,” he asked me, “what IS it?” and I found I couldn’t quite answer. Luckily for both of us, I’m a librarian, and that means one of my all-time favorite things to do is to find out. I decided to take [...]

STEAM Engines: Black Holes2019-07-05T20:43:03-06:00

Explore “A Universe of Stories” with New NASA Resources


By Emma Marcucci, Space Telescope Science Institute Continue the exploration ignited by this summer’s reading theme "A Universe of Stories" with new resources and opportunities from NASA’s Universe of Learning and Girls STEAM Ahead with NASA. In this post, we will talk about three new resources: An opportunity to receive a travelling or permanent poster exhibit on the universe, A DIY Astrophoto Challenge, and Newly released thematic resource guides.   1. Apply for a poster exhibit Apply to receive one of several stunning exhibits provided by NASA’s Universe of Learning! https://forms.gle/TLXtf4NEL9Y5EeJD8 Several exhibits are available in limited quantities: “Visions of the Universe”: [...]

Explore “A Universe of Stories” with New NASA Resources2019-07-02T09:22:47-06:00

GO Oklahoma! A Citizen Science Challenge


By Theresa Schwerin, Institute for Global Environment Strategies (IGES) The GO Oklahoma! citizen science challenge (June 15-Oct. 31, 2019) is part of the GLOBE Mission Mosquito campaign, co-led by the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) and NASA GSFC. Citizen scientists in the greater Oklahoma City/Norman, OK metropolitan area are collecting GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper data to support NASA research by partner scientists Dr. Mike Wimberly, University of Oklahoma, Norman, and Dr. Caio Franca, Southern Nazarene University. The University of Oklahoma provided the equipment (clip-on magnifiers and mosquito traps) and an expedited Institutional Review Board (IRB). The data collected is related [...]

GO Oklahoma! A Citizen Science Challenge2019-07-01T08:31:55-06:00

LINK Program Intern Comes to SSI: Part 2


Willa Kopp-DeVol, a Junior at Animas High School in Durango, Colorado, recently served a 3 week internship at the Space Science Institute (SSI) in which she worked with both the research and education departments. Her school’s Leading Internships for New Knowledge (LINK) Program takes students beyond the classroom walls in order to clarify personal, college and career goals while teaching invaluable professional skills and life lessons. Below is the second installment of this blog series. Click here to view part 1 of her personal thoughts on her internship experience. Education Department of SSI By Willa Kopp-DeVol (May 10, 2019) For the last 2 weeks [...]

LINK Program Intern Comes to SSI: Part 22019-06-20T08:15:36-06:00
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