
It’s Going To Get Better and Better


I know the internet is awash in coverage of the Perseverance Rover's recent successful landing on Mars on 2/18/21, so why am I posting on the subject? I felt compelled to after the questions posed to me by a 3rd grader during a video Q&A after a recent presentation about Perseverance. The 3rd graders are currently in the middle of their Solar System research, and a few students that had been assigned Mars had learned quite a bit about the history of robotic missions to the red planet. A student approached the screen so I could see and hear him better [...]

It’s Going To Get Better and Better2021-03-01T02:56:00-07:00

Engineering Program Toolkit


Over the course of several years, Project BUILD team members and partner libraries have developed a wide range of resources to support library staff that are interested in developing, promoting, and facilitating engineering programs in their library.  We’ve categorized these resources into separate groups and listed them out here (some may appear more than once). We hope that you will utilize or feel inspired by them as you bring engineering learning experiences to your library patrons! The Haitian-Creole translated materials were developed in partnership with the African-American Research Library and Cultural Center in Broward County, Florida. The materials in Spanish were [...]

Engineering Program Toolkit2021-02-23T22:50:13-07:00

(Resource List) We Are Water: Community Water Connections in the Four Corners Region


  We Are Water: Community Water Connections in the Four Corners Region - Link Bank Presenters Claire Ratcliffe Adams Space Science Institute cratcliffe@spacescience.org Patricia (Patty) Montaño CIRES Education & Outreach Associate patricia.montano@colorado.edu Brigitta Rongstad CIRES Education & Outreach brigitta.rongstad@colorado.edu Anne U. Gold Director CIRES Education & Outreach anne.u.gold@colorado.edu Webinar Recording: https://www.starnetlibraries.org/development/webinars/ Sign Up to Receive FREE World Water Day Activities: https://bit.ly/WAW-Webinar Follow We Are Water Newsletter Signup: http://www.starnetlibraries.org/about/our-projects/we-are-water/#newsletter-signup STAR Net We Are Water (website for libraries): http://www.starnetlibraries.org/about/our-projects/we-are-water/ We Are Water (website for patrons): https://wearewater.colorado.edu/ We Are Water Stories (images, videos, podcasts): https://wearewater.colorado.edu/stories Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WeAreWaterSW Twitter: https://twitter.com/WeAreWaterSW Featured Activities: STAR Net Activity [...]

(Resource List) We Are Water: Community Water Connections in the Four Corners Region2021-02-24T04:14:21-07:00

NASA’s Universe of Learning Girls STEAM Ahead with NASA “Program Cookbook”


Provided by the GSAWN Team The Girls STEAM Ahead with NASA (GSAWN) project within NASA’s Universe of Learning empowers libraries and community-based organizations to engage girls and their families in exploring the wonders of NASA science and celebrate the contributions of women to science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM). This Program Cookbook is designed to guide you as you create your own Girls STEAM Ahead with NASA event using NASA’s Universe of Learning resources. Like any typical cookbook, this Program Cookbook includes “recipes” for events, ordered by topic. For each topic, the following sections are provided: menu of activities and [...]

NASA’s Universe of Learning Girls STEAM Ahead with NASA “Program Cookbook”2021-02-10T15:15:40-07:00

Looking Forward and Looking Back with Story Musgrave


I am sure you, like most of us at this time of year we take a moment to look back on the year, to think of the future and in a year like 2020 to maybe take a few looks sideways as well!  One of my favorite things that happened in the year 2020 was the launch of the Perseverance  Rover on a mission to Mars to begin securing samples of the red planet for a future sample return mission. Another highlight was the announcement by NASA of the eighteen astronauts (nine women and nine men)  assigned to the Artemis Program [...]

Looking Forward and Looking Back with Story Musgrave2021-02-10T15:41:34-07:00

A Woman of Many Firsts


(Astronaut Christina Koch working on board the ISS, image credit: NASA) NASA astronaut Christina Koch has already set numerous records in her brief career with the agency. I recently had the opportunity to interview Christina via telephone from her home in Houston, Texas. I ask how she is feeling these days after her record setting 328 day stay onboard the International Space Station (ISS)?  "I feel really good. I have my dog here curled up beside me here, and I have been enjoying my work." Christina's 328 days in space is the single longest mission for a woman, ever! Christina is [...]

A Woman of Many Firsts2021-02-10T15:43:39-07:00

(Resource List) Computational Thinking: Empowering Teens to be Creators of Technology


Follow the STAR Library Network http://www.starnetlibraries.org/ https://www.facebook.com/STARLibraries/ https://www.starnetlibraries.org/register/ https://twitter.com/starnet_project Featured STAR Net Activities (Unplugged) Clearinghouse “Computational Thinking” Collection http://clearinghouse.starnetlibraries.org/131-computational-thinking Binary Bead Craft: Bracelet (or Necklace) Version http://clearinghouse.starnetlibraries.org/technology-and-computing/227-binary-bead-craft-bracelet-or-necklace-version.html?search_query=binary+bead+craft&results=2 Passion for Pixels http://clearinghouse.starnetlibraries.org/technology-and-computing/345-passion-for-pixels.html Something is Different About You http://clearinghouse.starnetlibraries.org/mathematics/276-something-is-different-about-you.html Anomaly Adventures: Through the Eyes of a Computer http://clearinghouse.starnetlibraries.org/activities/490-anomaly-adventures-through-the-eyes-of-a-computer.html Code & Go Robot Mouse Activity Set https://www.learningresources.com/code-gor-robot-mouse-activity-set Featured STAR Net Activities (Plugged-In) SciGames http://www.scigames.org/index.php?bypass=true Rover Coder and other free apps http://www.scigames.org/apps.php Computational Thinking “Plugged-In” Resources Computer Science Education Week https://csedweek.org/ Girls Who Code https://girlswhocode.com/ Curricula https://studio.code.org/courses?view=teacher https://prendacodeclub.com/librarians/ https://world.kano.me https://codeclub.org/en https://www.codecademy.com/ https://www.code.org/learn Audio Visual Arts through Code https://sonic-pi.net/ https://www.openprocessing.org/ Scratch https://scratch.mit.edu/ Coder Dojo with Raspberry [...]

(Resource List) Computational Thinking: Empowering Teens to be Creators of Technology2021-02-10T15:45:24-07:00

World Origami Days are Here! 20 Days of Workshops and Tutorials


Like so many conferences, festivals, and other events, World Origami Days has gone virtual this year. Beginning on October 24, the birthday of Lillian Oppenheimer (1898-1992), who founded the first origami group in the USA and was one of the founders of OrigamiUSA and the British Origami Society, this event will host workshops and tutorials daily through November 11, which is Origami Day in Japan. Everyone who registers will receive links to the videos of the daily tutorials in November, so don't worry if you miss one or a few. There is a page of templates for folding a flapping bird [...]

World Origami Days are Here! 20 Days of Workshops and Tutorials2021-01-27T16:29:22-07:00

Application Deadlines for DiscoverE’s Outreach Grants Are Approaching Fast


Application deadlines for DiscoverE's outreach grants are approaching fast! Don't miss your chance to fund your events for Engineers Week and Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day. APPLY TODAY! We have $250-$1000 grants available for virtual and in-person programs: Due Oct 31: Bell Girl Day grants for girl-centered programs Due Nov 14: Engineers Week grants for underserved students Looking for more resources in engineering outreach? Check out our best practices for achieving diversity in engineering and how to be a (virtual) role model.

Application Deadlines for DiscoverE’s Outreach Grants Are Approaching Fast2021-01-27T16:35:39-07:00

Virtualizing Your Programs and Activities


Have you felt like remote learning during COVID-19 has been hectic and stressful? You are not alone and it doesn’t have to feel that way going forward. Join MMSA's ACRES Project today and participate in highly interactive coaching sessions. The ACRES Project brings together afterschool educators in live and interactive virtual workshops. They create small communities of reflection, so you have a safe and brave space to learn new skills. They offer you contact hours, certificates of attendance, and many ready to use resources.  And they are excited to announce... stipends are still available and new cohorts are starting soon! In response to COVID19,  a [...]

Virtualizing Your Programs and Activities2021-01-27T16:39:07-07:00
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