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Bringing Inspiration to Multiple Generations: Apollo in Real Time

Watch Recorded Webinar Bringing Inspiration to Multiple Generations: Apollo in Real Time Note: This webinar was hosted by NASA’s Johnson Space Center Join us for this FREE NASA Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science (ARES) interactive webinar targeting informal educators (librarians, museum staff, Solar System Ambassadors, etc.) as they interact with Ben Feist, a Data Visualization Software Engineer working with our Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science (ARES) Division at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, TX. Ben will share information about his career path to NASA as well as information about bringing inspiration to multiple generations through his work to bring together pictures, videos, [...]

How Public Libraries can Bridge the Middle School STEM Gap

Watch Recorded Webinar How Public Libraries can Bridge the Middle School STEM Gap Note: This webinar was hosted by Urban Libraries Council (ULC) STEM-related jobs are the fastest growing segment in our economy. Yet, many youth lack access to quality STEM programming and exposure to STEM career opportunities, limiting their opportunity to learn, explore and prepare for life. With support from the Institute for Museum and Library Services, ULC launched the Partners for Middle School STEM initiative to help public libraries build innovative STEM programs and partnerships to reach underserved youth. Join us for a webinar on December 12 to hear from the libraries [...]

Playful Hands-on STEM Learning in UK Libraries

Watch Recorded Webinar View Presentation Slides Chat Playful Hands-on STEM Learning in UK Libraries There is a tremendous need to provide young people with STEM skills for the future, but in what ways are libraries contributing? This FREE webinar will demonstrate a few ideas from across the UK for facilitating playful STEM learning in libraries through afterschool activities and family events. Share your favorite resources for increasing your own skills and for engaging library customers. Presenter Keliann LaConte is currently based at the University of Edinburgh as a Fulbright Global Scholar to gather perspectives from UK libraries around [...]

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