Events for April 26, 2017 - November 15, 2017

Bringing “A Universe of Stories” to Your Library

Watch Recorded Webinar View Presentation Slides Download Link Bank Bringing “A Universe of Stories” to Your Library Summer 2019 may feel like it’s far away, but the Collaborative Summer Library Program’s (CSLP) “Universe of Stories” reading theme will be here quicker than a photon traversing from the Sun to Earth. “What space-themed programs will I do?” “How will I partner with community organizations?” “What if I don’t know anything about space?” “How do I…STEM?” If you find yourself asking these questions, then this is the webinar for you! Join the STAR Net team and Luke Kralik, Organizational Coordinator for CSLP, [...]

Resource Overview for “A Universe of Stories”

Watch Recorded Webinar View Presentation Slides Download Link Bank Resource Overview for “A Universe of Stories” Looking for activities, websites, how-to videos, training, and more for the 2019 Summer Reading Theme? Join the STAR Library Network for an overview of vetted, free resources available through NASA, the STAR Library Network, and the STEM Activity Clearinghouse. Presenters will walk you through how to find, access, and sort through – remember, availability doesn’t always equal accessibility! – these resources and offer guidance on how your library can best utilize them!

Infiniscope and STAR Net: Bringing Teachers and Library Staff Together!

Watch Recorded Webinar View Presentation Slides Download Link Bank Infiniscope and STAR Net: Bringing Teachers and Library Staff Together! Please join the Space Science Institute and Arizona State University in a special webinar opportunity, featuring Infiniscope. Librarians from the STAR Library Education Network, and librarians, teachers, and other educators from the Infiniscope Network are welcome to join us for this opportunity. Teachers interested in working with libraries can learn more about this summer’s Universe of Stories summer reading theme, and librarians interested in learning more about Infiniscope’s visualizations and learning experiences are welcome to join. Participants will also [...]

Planning a Night Sky Viewing at Your Library

Watch Recorded Webinar View Presentation Slides Download Link Bank Planning a Night Sky Viewing at Your Library A Night Sky Viewing is a great way to bring local science enthusiasts and library patrons together for an astronomy-based community event. Before your library launches a Night Sky Viewing or Star Party this year, there are a few things to know that can help take your event into orbit! We’ll take a look at the best practices for finding and working with an astronomy club, how to choose the right activities and promotional strategy, and other tips and tricks for [...]

Libraries Accessing NASA Subject Matter Experts

Watch Recorded Webinar Libraries Accessing NASA Subject Matter Experts In this webinar, conducted by NASA’s Night Sky Network, librarians from across the U.S. joined NASA@MyLibrary, the NASA Solar System Ambassadors, and the Night Sky Network astronomy clubs to access resources and astronomy enthusiasts in their communities.

Solar System Scale Activities for “A Universe of Stories”

Watch Recorded Webinar View Presentation Slides Download Link Bank Solar System Scale Activities for “A Universe of Stories” What’s the most common thing in outer space?…it’s SPACE! Our solar system is enormous, and the size of and distance between the Sun, planets, asteroids, and comets can be difficult to comprehend. With “A Universe of Stories” right around the corner, this webinar will highlight activities that allow patrons to experience the vast distances between objects in the solar system using foods or household objects. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to facilitate these activities; in fact, they’re [...]

Exploring Lunar Phases: How Your Library Can Support Science Learning

Watch Recorded Webinar View Presentation Slides Download Link Bank Exploring Lunar Phases: How Your Library Can Support Science Learning Please join us to explore lunar phases through hands-on activities and discussion! The moon has held our imaginations captive and sparked our curiosity since prehistoric times. Its changing appearance influences calendars, myths, and cultures around the world. Hear from middle school teachers about the needs and challenges of teaching lunar phases, and discover ways that library programs can help prepare participants in building critical knowledge and skills.

Community Dialogues for Summer and Beyond

Watch Recorded Webinar View Presentation Slides Community Dialogues for Summer and Beyond Is your library interested in reaching out to the community to gain new patrons? Or in better understanding the needs of your current (or potential) patrons? Join us to learn more about Community Dialogues, designed by the STAR Net team to help libraries learn more about their patrons, potential community partners, and how to more effectively serve underrepresented audiences. These Dialogues have been conducted more than 150 times at over 90 libraries across the country. Hear results and pitfalls to avoid from the libraries who have conducted [...]

Mars in May

Watch Recorded Webinar View Presentation Slides Download Link Bank Mars in May With summer right around the corner, this webinar will showcase several hands-on STEM activities about Earth’s red neighbor. Join the STAR Net team to discuss programming ideas, NASA resources, and, of course, fun, hands-on STEM activities that will surely be a crowd-pleaser at your library. We’ll also check in on the progress of NASA’s InSight mission, which was launched in May 2018.

Summer of Space

Visit Our Event Campaign Page   Celebrating 60 Years of Space Exploration In the summer of 2019, 16,000 libraries across the country celebrated space exploration in their summer reading programs. The slogan “A Universe of Stories” was chosen by library professionals to help inspire children of all ages to dream big, believe in themselves, and create their own story. The Collaborative Summer Library Program and STAR Net partnered to share STEM resources with these libraries. The 2019 summer learning program coincided with NASA’s 60 years of achievement and its celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing.

Getting Apollo Astronauts to the Moon and Safely Back to Earth

Watch Recorded Webinar Getting Apollo Astronauts to the Moon and Safely Back to Earth Note: This webinar is brought to you by NASA’s Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science Division (Johnson Space Center) President John Kennedy committed America to landing men on the Moon by 1970 with the words: “I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to Earth.”  Mr. Woodfill will share his story of fulfilling the President’s words as the Apollo Program Spacecraft Warning System Engineer to return “him safely to the Earth.” The [...]

Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing

Watch Recorded Webinar Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing What was the sequence of this incredible mission? Where on the Moon did they land? And how did they return safely to Earth? Watch a guided recreation of Apollo 11’s journey to see how this mission was executed by crew members and mission control in Houston. This live OpenSpace webcast was brought to you by the STAR Library Network’s NASA@ My Library program in partnership with the American Museum of Natural History.

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