Citizen Science Spotlight – Birds!
April is Citizen Science month, a great time to get outdoors, have fun while helping out the scientific community at the same time. There are [...]
All the Many Observatories in Space! Build Your Own Space Fleet
Today is the first Friday in May. That means it is National Space Day! What better way to celebrate the day is there than by [...]
Time For Ingenuity To Fly
It's nothing but helicopter talk these days! And what exciting days are these. There are so many opportunities to engage kids of all ages with [...]
Learn to Facilitate Creative Learning in Public Libraries
We’re excited to announce that the PLIX (Public Library Innovation Exchange) team is launching a four-week online course starting April 26th on the topic of [...]
Everyone Knows What Engineering is! – Right?
We all know the word. We hear it just about every day. We see it all the time. Engineer The E in STEM, STEAM, and [...]
Join NASA as a Webb Space Telescope Community Events Site
The James Webb Space Telescope will be the largest, most powerful and complex space telescope ever built and launched into space. It will fundamentally alter [...]