Online Resources for Homebound Families #2
Here is my next list of resources for folks staying home for health and safety In this list I have collected some virtual tours of [...]
On-line Resources for Homebound Families #1
I, like the rest of the country, am at home these days. Fortunately for me, I have always been good at keeping myself entertained. Today [...]
February is Feed the Birds Month!
On February 23, 1994, February was declared 'National Bird Feeding Month' by Congress. If you want to narrow things down to one day, February 3 [...]
Citizen Science Month: Resources for Libraries
What is Citizen Science? As we face global challenges, we may want to find local ways to make a difference in protecting endangered species, safeguarding [...]
Make Every Tree Count: Programs You Can Use
Note: This blog is Part 2 of a previous post, Make Every Tree Count: Getting Started in Sustainability Programming Host a Community Tree Walk. Because the [...]
Make Every Tree Count: Getting Started in Sustainability Programming
Trees provide one of the most versatile themes for library programs. Whether your audience is families, adults, children or classrooms/youth groups, “Trees” can provide a [...]